Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Tale Of Two Tortles: Game 1

 OK, so I played the first game of my new Five Leagues From The Borderlands campaign last night.

Our Heroes started out doing a Ride Patrol that ended in a Meeting Engagement with Northern Wolves that had entered the ruined city of Armskirk. Three of them, to be precise, as well as an Unknown Enemy that might represent from one to five of the foul beasts. We will find out later. The forces deployed 16" apart from each other, or 4" in from each table edge. And the Unknown Enemy marker (a black hound) was 2" in from the side.

The first turn pretty much everyone moved closer. Drustan moved to the second floor of a ruined building, because if you have a ruined building with intact stairs as a part of your scenery, you need to dash someone up those stairs. It's one of the unwritten rules, you see. Tundaline did not move, but instead fired her crossbow at the one wolf she could see. She missed.

The second turn had much more action. Both Drustan and Tundaline took shots at the oncoming wolves to no effect; when the Unknown Enemy marker was close enough, it was revelaed to be FOUR more Northern Wolves! Weppi charged in and felled a wolf. When Kipor did the same, the wolf got the better of him and he was down! Alaric the Wily Rogue moved to attack a wolf but failed to hurt it... Isabeau the Street urchin followed him and handily dispatched the pesky creature.

Turn three saw a bit of a decline for Our Heroes. Weppi felled a wolf only to be felled herself by another. Isabeau went down to claws and fangs as well. Alaric promptly killed the same wolf that took down Isabeau. Drustan and Tundaline had another round of ineffective firing. Three wolves and three of the warband remaining, it was a close skirmish so far.

On turn four, both Drustan and Tundaline were successful in shooting at the wolves, killing off two of them with a little help from a Story Point well spent at the right time. The remaining wolf, however, lunged at Alric and brought him down.

Finally, Tundaline took a good shot and killed the remaining wolf at the beginning of the fifth turn. Our Heroes had Held the Field!

In the aftermath, Weppi was found to have some damaged armor. She might have died if not for the timely application of Silverweed Leaf! Kipor too may have succumbed to his wounds but for the Silverweed, and will need to spend a campaign turn recovering from his injuries. Alaric, as it happened, was just Knocked Out and had no lasting injuries. Unfortunately, Isabeau did not survive her injuries; the Street Urchin was dead.

Investigating the immediate area of the battle, the standing Heroes found a jar of spices worth three gold, a lead to a new location, and discovered some news of monsters moving into a nearby ruin.

The warband made it's way back to Mirefield to lick their wounds and recover a bit before venturing back into Armskirk.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Tale Of Two Tortles

 Let's meet the warband! I am done painting up all of the characters for my "Five Leagues From The Borderlands" solo campaign.

This is "A Tale Of Two Tortles," and features the adventures of a brother and sister as well as their friends and assorted hangers-on. They will be exploring the recently ruined city of Armskirk and fighting against assorted cultists and bandits (The Ruin Within,) Goblin raiders (Duskling Warbands,) and rat-men from under the foundations of the city itself (The Gnawling Horde.) They have travelled to the city and safely boarded in the not-quite-so-ruined neighborhood of Mirefield. Along the way they made a friend of Roysa, a young herder.

Meet Weppi. She is the brains of the whole operation, and my campaign Avatar.

This is Kipor. He is Weppi's brother and second in command.

Tundaline is a friend of the two Tortles from way back when she first came up to the surface world.

Drustan just started hanging out with the previous three adventurers and eventually became another friend.

Isabeau the Street Urchin and Alaric the Wily Rogue, more mouths to feed.

A Tale Of Three Tortles-Game 4, Part 2

  The Story thus far: Weppi, Yammel, and Alaric are the only members of the Warband still on their feet after a savage encounter with Strang...