Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Tale Of Two Tortles

 Let's meet the warband! I am done painting up all of the characters for my "Five Leagues From The Borderlands" solo campaign.

This is "A Tale Of Two Tortles," and features the adventures of a brother and sister as well as their friends and assorted hangers-on. They will be exploring the recently ruined city of Armskirk and fighting against assorted cultists and bandits (The Ruin Within,) Goblin raiders (Duskling Warbands,) and rat-men from under the foundations of the city itself (The Gnawling Horde.) They have travelled to the city and safely boarded in the not-quite-so-ruined neighborhood of Mirefield. Along the way they made a friend of Roysa, a young herder.

Meet Weppi. She is the brains of the whole operation, and my campaign Avatar.

This is Kipor. He is Weppi's brother and second in command.

Tundaline is a friend of the two Tortles from way back when she first came up to the surface world.

Drustan just started hanging out with the previous three adventurers and eventually became another friend.

Isabeau the Street Urchin and Alaric the Wily Rogue, more mouths to feed.

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A Tale Of Two Tortles

 Let's meet the warband! I am done painting up all of the characters for my "Five Leagues From The Borderlands" solo campaign....