Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Tale Of Three Tortles-Game 4

OK, so I went ahead and played out Campaign Turn 6 of A Tale Of Three Tortles. It was going to be a bit risky, since both Tudaline and Drustan were currently down healing from their injuries. But, maybe some in-town activity could help out a bit, no?

Anyway, during the Local Events phase, a kindly old person packed us lunch and the warband now had one Rations. We spent our in-town time helping the Town Guard and dragging Drustan to the Healer, who got him back on his feet and ready to adventure again. Hey, how about that! We also bought some light armor for Kipor and had a chance to buy a sneaky sneaky little throwing knife, but we passed that one up.

Now, we were following up some reports that those pesky Duskling goblins were up to no good in the vicinity of The Crossing. And so huppty huppty ho we went a-travelling towards The Crossing. But along the way, something strange happened. Strange Troops, to be precise. A defensive battle was then fought against these swarthy strangers with their curved swords, zebra shields, and crested helms...
We started well enough, Seizing The Initiative and advancing towards the enemy. Drustan, newly on his feet, took up a defensive position behind a fence to get some good bow shots at them. Alas, his first shot went wide and the zebra-shielded enemies were upon them. Yammel made a good showing and felled his first opponent, but Alaric was not so lucky, coming off worse for wear in his first engagement and was now wounded. Weppi and Kipor both pushed their opponents back, but the fight was still on.
Things started to turn ugly for Our Heroes. Drustan was taken down by the enemy bowmen. Alaric and Kipor were felled by those curved swords. And while Weppi was holding her own, she too was now wounded. She managed to kill one of the attackers, but she was still toe-to-toe with another.

With more bad luck, the enemy reacted faster than Our Heroes could attack. Yammel went down, leaving Weppi alone to confront two remaining swordsmen and two archers. Is this how our story is going to end? NO! Weppi killed her assailant and then turned her rust-hued eyes towards her next targets.

The remaining enemy swordsman rushed towards Weppi and was promptly cut down for her efforts. Both archers shot at her, but failed to hit anything but her thick shell. And then she lunged, bringing one of the archers down beneath her cyclopean weapon (really, have you seen the size of that thing?) The last archer decided it just wasn't worth it, and promptly fled the scene. Weppi stood alone amongst the bodies of her trusted friends and the dead foreigners.

During the course of this Travel Encounter, I used three Story Points to keep Weppi on her feet. That was half of everything we have. Kipor took a light wound and will be out for a turn to recover. Drustan was moderately wounded and will be out for six turns. Alaric and Yammel were both just knocked out. Alaric has a winning streak of recovering after the battle! The Strange Troops had some furs that will be sold for 4 Gold Marks when we get to The Crossing, and Alaric was able to find some partial armor and a helmet to help him out in future skirmishes.

The real catch here is that this wasn't even the main battle. There are still the Dusklings out there in wait to attack The Crossing, and only Our Heroes can stop them before they do. Can we do it with just three of us? Maybe there is an Old Friend in the area who could help...


A Tale Of Three Tortles-Game 4

OK, so I went ahead and played out Campaign Turn 6 of A Tale Of Three Tortles. It was going to be a bit risky, since both Tudaline and Drust...