Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Voyages Of The Century Flamingo: Game Two

 OK, so I played my second campaign turn of Five Parsecs From Home, continuing the Voyages Of The Century Flamingo. Our Heroes spent some time Training, with O and Aim both gaining an experience point. There were five Credits paid towards the ship's mortgage, we now only owed 19 Credits on it. And general upkeep for the crew cost us one Credit. Asvyaxke was still recovering from his slight injury, and so would not be participating in any crew shenanigans.

And shenanigans were had! The guys were hired to patrol a parking lot out in the wilderness (why there was a parking lot out in the wilderness remains to be seen!) There must have been something important there, because while they were approaching their area of employment, a three-person Black Ops team was approaching from the opposite direction. O quickly chittered directions so they could meet their checkpoints while engaging with the enemy.

In the first Turn, Aim aimed and found his target, a nice shot made at range into cover, rolling a 5 to hit and a 6 to wound, he dropped the Black Ops girl in her tracks. The other two Black Ops women moved forward, and one took a shot at Iruurla (but missed.) Iruurla and Aaur returned fire, with Aaur killing another opponent. Khirki then moved over to check on the first vehicle and O ran towards a checkpoint next to a plant, of all things. Weird place to have a checkpoint! That last Black Ops girl, though, she held her ground.

Turn two saw Aim aiming again, and while he got a solid hit, he did not meet or exceed his target's toughness and so only caused a Stun. She in turn shot at Aaur, but missed. Aaur returned fire, causing another Stun, O reached his checkpoint and also shot at the final Black Ops target. While he hit, again there was no wound but another Stun... and after three Stuns, a mode is removed! Woo! We did it! We held the field and could complete the mission at our leisure!

Post-battle, it did not seem like there were any Black Ops team members left to become Rivals. A curious data stick was found on of them, yielding a Quest Rumor. Another had a Glare sword... shiny! And we were paid three Credits for our trouble.

I was pretty nervous when I rolled up the Black Ops team as the opponents, as we were down a crew member and we might need to move around a lot for this mission. I was lucky there were only three of them... six might have wiped out the whole crew. And this had to be the shortest game ever at two turns!

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