Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fantastic Medieval Campaigns

 Hi there!

Just a short note this time...

On my sidebar, there is a link to the OD&D Discussion Forum. It's a really friendly place that indulges in being pedantic without any vitriol. And the way the discussions twist and turn is amazing. There has been a project under development  by one Marcia B. for quite a while over there, and it seems to be finally completed. The "Fantastic Medieval Campaigns" book is available for free as a PDF and at cost through Lulu, both linked at the Traverse Fantasy website.

I'm just trying to boost the signal for this one. Someone pissed me off with their negative and inaccurate reactions to her promotions of it on social media, so I felt like sharing the product with anyone who stumbles their way here.

Just don't be Surprised.

Painting The Tortle Mystic

 OK, so when my Warband for my Five Leagues From The Borderlands solo campaign was mostly wiped out, I decided that it was high time to recr...